About me


This webplace is intended as a reservoir of some of my steps on the designed world. Interactions are all around and there is much more to say than the final projects.

I’m an explorer, an enthusiastic person, a flâneuse of urban experiences. My projects and visions: favour positive attitudes, observe human behaviours, support social interaction and collaboration, make user experience fun and meaningful, link digital and virtual environments, simplify people mediated activities, spread sustainable lifestyles. Currently I’m Research Associate at the Laboratory of Visual Culture part of the University of Applied Science and Arts in Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

I carry out design and research projects at national and international level, designing, consulting, writing and talking.

If you want to know more you can write me an email at vanessa[dot]deluca[at]gmail[dot]com.

Find me on Google Scholar or on my Research Gate page.

Give a look at the projects I’m involved in on my SUPSI profile.

If you want to connect here my LinkedIn profile.